This Week’s Subnormality

February 17, 2008


Another week, another comic, another mountain of snow to shovel as winter becomes localized entirely in the area outside my house. Website hits have been up recently, so I’d like to welcome any new readers who have just stumbled upon my half-retarded little corner of the internet. Come for the comics, stay for the, uh, comics, because there’s really nothing else. Oh, there’s some great links over to the left where it confusingly says “Blogroll,” so find yourself some other good comics there too.

As an aside, for any fans of the hockey team mentioned in this week’s comic, I am personally responsible for their recent 5-game slide. I wrote that panel about how great the team was doing and then they immediately went into freefall. Another day, another huge jinx. Hopefully we can pull it back against Dallas this afternoon (UPDATE: We didn’t. Shit!!).


11 Responses to “This Week’s Subnormality”

  1. hoi Says:

    I like your comics….

  2. Winston Rowntree Says:

    Thank you!

  3. Camille Says:

    One of your comic has been dugg so expect more hits 🙂

  4. akwok Says:

    Discovered your comic through Digg. Awesome stuff, will be checking up on a weekly basis. 🙂

    Enjoying it more than PBF (seems that fame got to Nick’s head — he ain’t that funny anymore).

  5. Winston Rowntree Says:

    Thanks, I’m glad you like the comic! As for the PBF, you’re right–he’s coasting right now, and it’s a shame. And I only say that because I have a ton of respect for him as a cartoonist and I hope he’ll get his act together and make some more of the stuff that got him where he is. C’mon Nick–show us how it’s done!

  6. Winston Rowntree Says:

    Whoah, no sooner do I open my mouth then I find this: The PBF is being “semi-retired!” He’s basically phasing out the strip, if you read between the lines (like when people say they’re taking a year off from college and then you never see them again). So I guess he won’t be showing us how it’s done anytime soon.

  7. Clarence Boddicker Says:

    I would have gone for the Hurricane, personally.

  8. It’s a fine aircraft. And Clarence Boddicker was a fine villain!

  9. Kiwi Says:

    A friend just sent me to your comic last weekend, and I read all of them in one gulp. I like this strip very much! I’m very taken with the pink-haired young woman and the Sphinx. Plus today’s strip warmed my heart for some reason. I guess it’s because I hate snow and like antique ordnance.

  10. Thanks! Look for another Sphynx comic sooner rather than later.

  11. Help! Says:

    I don’t understand this at all. 😦 Is the joke that he spontaneously gibs at the worst possible time? Is he some kind of android with human skin? Is it some kind of pun on “model” shop? Is it supposed to make sense?

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