Oh i wrote a novel btw

January 18, 2024

I recently published my first novel, the sci-fi horrifying character study entitled Shirley Estar Goes to Heaven, and you can check it out here! There’s also a generic ebook for sale on my Patreon if you prefer that format (you don’t need to pledge as a Patron to purchase it). This was a huge mental undertaking as opposed to some tossed-off dilettante thing, so i’ll hope you’ll check it out because it definitely aspires to be worth your time. Honestly the reviews you can read on Amazon say more than i ever could, so check those out too and thanks if you want to get yourself a copy.


PS: The longest-time readers will recognize the title of the novel as similar to a certain graphic novel that i made a billion years ago. In this new version of the story the new medium and the evolution of the years have resulted in approximately a 300,000x improvement to the narrative– i’m personally pretty happy with it, and i hope you will be too.

5 Responses to “Oh i wrote a novel btw”

  1. Tim M Says:

    Oh, very cool!

    Erm… Patreon and I have… a bad history. I can’t log in there, it’s a whole thing. Could I send you money through Paypal instead? (The Paypal donate button on your main page is broken, by the way!) I assume the epub is DRM free?

  2. I bought it and read it and loved it, obviously. The physical copy. I’ve also recommended it to everyone as much as I can without being off-putting about it. Two things:
    1. The ending made me feel the same sense of anger and despair at Shirley as the original comic did, except it felt 1000% worse, so well done. Honestly, it’s the most horrible feeling, and I’d almost successfully forgotten it.
    2. True genius is often only recognized after they’re dead, so don’t feel too bad if it doesn’t become a viral phenomenon. That being said, it wouldn’t hurt to shop it out to a big publishing house. It’s better than 19/20ths of what’s on the fiction shelves today, and frankly, you deserve the wealth&recognition.

    • Thanks, i appreciate that (and “1000% worse than the original” is a killer quote lol). I don’t know if i have the fortitude to go through the whole glacial/horrible process of finding an agent/publisher/etc, especially when from what i hear they only want trilogies (in terms of sci-fi), but i mean if they come to me i guess i wouldn’t immediately turn them down, not that they’re likely to come to me.

  3. Alex C Says:

    Hi Winston, just finished reading it. Fantastic work as always! Totally putting it on my list of books I make a point of re-reading every few years. Definitely agree with your assessment of improvement on the old graphic novel version, I had a lot of fun picking up on the updated elements. And echo sentiments that the ending and everything leading up to it left me totally emotionally drained. In a good way!

    Loved every word of it. Thanks for all that you do!

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